August 28, 2013


Jennifer & Jeffery – Singer Island Wedding

This was such a fun wedding to photograph. I’m so glad I was able to be a part of Jen and Jeff’s big day. Everyone was so much fun to be around and so excited for the bride and groom. Jen and Jeff were married at St. Paul of the Cross on Singer Island and then had their reception at the Palm Beach Shores Community Center. We managed to avoid the rain for most of the day until it sprinkled a little during the bride and groom portraits. It’s a good thing Jen had some time during the reception for us to sneak out and get some cool shots on the lifeguard stand! This wedding was unique to me because Jen and Jeff had an Indian Wedding Vase Ceremony. During the ceremony both Jen and Jeff drank from the vase as a symbol of two individuals whose lives are becoming one. Congratulations on your lives becoming one beautiful life together!


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